
Standard Birth Package $5500

Routine prenatal care consistingof 45 minute appts with your midwife

Birth at The Utah Birth Place with access to water birth if desired

Weekly postpartum visits through 6 weeks

Birth kit & birth supplies included

Member pricing for Childbirth Education Class with Utah Birth Place Staff

Member pricing for Maternal Massage & The Lactation Collection services

Premiere Birth Package $7500

Routine prenatal care consistingof 45 minute appts with your midwife

Birth at The Utah Birth Place with access to water birth if desired

Weekly postpartum visits through 6 weeks

Birth kit & birth supplies included

*Personal Chef Service during labor, and postpartum with Art of Surrender

*Standard lab work included

*One ultrasound included

*Placenta Encapsulation

Member pricing for Childbirth Education Class with Utah Birth Place Staff 

Member pricing for Maternal Massage & The Lactation Collection services

Pre & Post Natal Only $3500

For those who know in advance that they will deliver in the hospital but who prefer to experience the intimacy of midwifery prenatal and postpartum care, instead of OB care. Over the years, I have seen the need for this middle ground option, so I gladly offer it.

Routine prenatal care consisting of 45 minute appointments with your midwife

Access to your midwife by phone and text during labor in the hospital

Weekly postpartum visits through 6 weeks

Regular pricing for Childbirth Education Class with Utah Birth Place Staff

Regular pricing for Maternal Massage & The Lactation Collection services

Other Services

Gender Testing with Peekaboo

Placenta Encapsulation

Life Coaching